Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Muscle Christmas Part 10

Merry Christmas to everyone! I wish all the best to you !

P.S : All photos are from genius D.ChooiDoodles.


Anonymous said...

I wish all the best to you too!
santa #1 omgf i´m horny how old men can be so delicious? Love those beards and breasts with white hairs!
visit my blog
bombadosclub blogspot

Muscle Addict said...

Thank you Eduardo!
Yeah i love them too!

Anonymous said...

I only found your blog today for the very first time, when Googling 'hot gay Santa'.
You have MANY hot gay Santa's here ! Woohoo !
Thankyou, and seasons greetings !! x

Muscle Addict said...

You're welcome! I'm happy that you have found my blog and like my ... gay Santas fetish :)
Hope you enjoy "Muscle Gods" and happy new year !


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